Where are your strengths - where are your weaknesses? The opening? Middlegame? Or perhaps the endgame? Fritz 15 gives you an ELO rating for all three phases. Another exciting element is the new evaluation function that analyzes your playing strength throughout the game. The program can give you a sign when a tactical opportunity presents itself or point out typical mistakes to help you improve. Now you can play Fritz on your mobile devices Chess is meant to be fun and that’s why the. Fritz 15, is among the strongest multi-core engines in the world. LDPlayer is a free emulator that will allow you to download and install Fritz game on your pc. During the course of a game, Fritz is able to constantly tailor its level to your playing strength and how much time you are using. Download Fritz for free on your computer and laptop through the Android emulator. The completely reworked "friend" mode makes Fritz 15 the ideal training partner. It also includes management and analysis options for your own games, as well as a database with 2 million games. Fritz, probably the world's most popular chess program (think back to Fritz's unforgettable victories against Kasparov, Kramnik & Co) offers just that for beginners and tournament players alike: it plays at the highest level, offers training features for every stage of the game and comes with access to.

Still no ChessBase Account? learn more > Thousands of hours of high class video training.Still no ChessBase Account? learn more > Sac, sac, mate! Solve tactical positions of your playing strength.Store your games, training material and opening repertoire in the cloud.